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Have you recorded your selfie-video saying WHY you like being an Independent Contractor?

Fix the Fundamental Flaw in Labor Law
If the DOL 2020 Independent Contracting proposal is adopted into the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, three problems will remain,...

Public’s Health Hurt by Outdated Anti-Contracting Law
Mass. should lift restrictions on those seeking career flexibility Caring for tsunami of patients in the midst of a pandemic is hard...

What's the Value of Work Experience?
$180 billion dollars! That’s the estimated salary value of work experience earned in 2017 by the entire Massachusetts work force of more...

We've Located the Gig Economy!
Working for Change. For five years New Jobs has lobbied for removing the biggest legal barrier to self-employment in Massachusetts, found...

Beethoven's Business Model for the Gig Economy
In our earlier blog we saw how Mozart invented the gig economy when he realized at age 25 that he could work for himself, not for an...

Did Mozart Invent the Gig Economy?
You might have heard the term “gig economy” recently. The media love to use the term, but what does it mean? Will it help you or hurt...

Unleash Our Jobs Potential
Imagine if three remarkable Massachusetts innovations created the potential to significantly boost the state economy over the next four...
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